For every $60 and $120 you spend, you’ll earn an exclusive Sale-A-Bration item for FREE! Depending on the amount you spend, you’ll be able to mix and match the Sale-A-Bration items you earn, and we have a stunning variety of stamp sets and Designer Series Paper for you to choose from! Shop now through February 28.
Enter this code before closing out your online order and receive a little Thank You gift from me.
If your order reaches $150, or more, please do NOT use this code because I want YOU to receive all the Stampin' Rewards that you'll earn with your fantastic order!
Dreamers Loyalty Rewards Program
My stamping friends love my Dreamers Loyalty Rewards Program. This is my way of expressing my deepest "Thanks" to all of my wonderful customers...for your continued support of my small business. You can earn free stamps from me once you've earned 20 points. Simply download my Dreamers Loyalty Rewards Sheet, print and start tracking your rewards progress!